The Lovers’ Chronicle 19 February – rememberin’ you, reprise no. 1 – art by Gabriele Münter – birth of André Breton & Carson McCullers

Dear Zazie,  Here is today’s Lovers’ Chronicle from Mac Tag dedicated to his muse.  Follow us on twitter @cowboycoleridge.  Who do you remember?  Rhett

The Lovers’ Chronicle

Dear Muse,

Southern gothic dream…
inside an old general store, he is served some moonshine and crackers, when he realizes where he is,
oh this the Sad Café, the moonshine is good, but this is not gonna end well
before he can get up the ravishing redhead sits down
Hello my dear
oh hey beautiful, try this moonshine, but then we have to go
Are we where I think we are
yes, see there is Amelia and cousin Lymon
Ok, you’re right let’s go
but we could end up in another tragic McCullers story
Well we have read them all so between us, we will remember how to get out before it’s too late
alright, after you darlin’
You sure take me to the finest places
my pleasure

© copyright 2024 mac tag/cowboycoleridge all rights reserved

that was for the one
that never was
“No need to go there now”
did you enjoy the short films
“I did, The Irish Goodbye
was hilarious”
i would have preferred
darker themes
“Or romantic”
yes, but glad we went
“Another moment to our list”
do you recall the time we…

© copyright 2023 mac tag/cowboycoleridge all rights reserved

settle myself in a place as favorable as possible to the concentration of my mind upon you, i write quickly, fast enough so that the first line comes spontaneously, so compellin’ are you that with every passin’ second the verse unknown to my consciousness cries out to be heard

© copyright 2022 mac tag/cowboy coleridge all rights reserved

at this late hour
on this winter night,
filled with words

always there
raw, naked

words that matter
more than ever,
come to me
from within,
from you

they are your words
they come from you

your mind
your body

they are our words
they will take care of us

© copyright 2021 mac tag/cowboy coleridge all rights reserved

Pale Love, Pale Rider

that first word is funny
what else have we been doin’
for the last two and a half years

about nothin’ else
processin’ the past and copin’
with the discoveries
is a crucial part of recovery
and just to be clear
that is what we have been doin’

i think we are gittin’ close
well, one of us is
no worries, we will keep workin’ on you
puttin’ that on the list, the things i must endure

© copyright 2020.2024 mac tag/cowboy coleridge all rights reserved

in the rear view…

our sketchbooks,
our photos
convey the details
of impressions
left from together

the long walks,
nights at the opera,
drinks and dancin’
whatever we did
it was never borin’

“I can feel the wind
in your cheek.”

a kiss before
the clock tolls

© copyright 2019 mac tag/cowboy coleridge all rights reserved

rememberin’ you is good
out here
amid the hills
covered with snow
as another year

rememberin’ you is good
the softness
of touch
a second chance
given to me…

rememberin’ you is good
and writin’ about you
as i sit by the fire
thinkin’ of yesteryear

of first touches
of words you said
not of the words
so much
but of you within them…

rememberin’ you
is good
and writin’ for you
a story
a poem
weavin’ the words
then ridin’
far into the hills
to tell what i have written
to the big High Plain’s sky

rememberin’ you is good
out here
amid the hills
covered with snow
as another year passes…

at this late hour
on this winter night
filled with your words
time always there
the night
like the frost
words which
and come again

your words came to me
your words delivered
your words were sad
they were
your words were all

rememberin’ you
is good
out here
amid the hills covered with snow

as another year


“It is for this reason that most of us would rather love than be loved.”
exactly Carson, exactly

© copyright 2018 mac tag/cowboy coleridge all rights reserved

Rememberin’ You

Rememberin’ you is good
out here
amid the hills
covered with snow
as my fiftieth year

Rememberin’ you is good

Your lips
and the softness
of their touch
upon my skin
This joy of lovin’ you
is like a second chance
given to me…
The smell of your perfume
on your neck
warm and comfortin’
The invitation of your flesh
a hot
scored in me always…

Rememberin’ you is good
writin’ about you is
as I sit on my porch
out here,
thinkin’ of the day
we first kissed
at my place in the country
Of some words you said
Not of the words
so much
but of you within them…

Rememberin’ you
is good
I must write somethin’ for you again
a story
a poem
must weave the words together
then ride
far into the
and tell what I have written
to the innocent blue
of the High Plain’s sky

Rememberin’ you is good
out here
amid the hills
covered with snow
as my fiftieth year passes…

At this late hour
on this winter night
I am filled with your words
Time always there
the night
like the frost
Words which
Your words came to me
from your heart
your body
Your words delivered
Your words were sad
they were
Your words were human

Rememberin’ you
is good
out here
amid the hills covered with snow

as my fiftieth year

© copyright 2010 mac tag/Cowboy Coleridge all rights reserved

The Song of the Day is “I Remember You” by Skid Row.

Black-and-white photo of Gabriele Münter with short, curly dark hair, wearing a high-necked dress

Gabriele Münter in 1900

Today is the birthday of Gabriele Münter (19 February 1877 – 19 May 1962); expressionist painter who was at the forefront of the Munich avant-garde in the early 20th century.

When World War I began, Münter and Kandinsky relocated to Switzerland. In 1914, Kandinsky returned to Russia without her, and his marriage in 1917 to Nina Andreevskaya marked the end of Münter and Kandinsky’s relationship.  Subsequently, there was a period of inactivity in her art career. She returned a number of paintings and drawings to Kandinsky, and stored other pieces in a warehouse for many years. She resumed painting in the late 1920s after she had moved back to Germany with Johannes Eichner after the war.

The Gabrielle Münter and Johannes Eichner foundation was established and has become a valuable research center for Münter’s art, as well as the art that was done by the Blaue Reiter group. Münter lived the rest of her life in Murnau, traveling back and forth to Munich. She died at home in Murnau am Staffelsee on 19 May 1962.



Woman in blackWoman in blackMeditationMeditation

Staffelsee mit Nebelsonne 1931

André Breton
André Breton
in 1924

Today is the birthday of André Breton (Tinchebray, Orne; 19 February 1896 – 28 September 1966 Paris); writer, poet, and anti-fascist.  He is known best as the founder of Surrealism.  His writings include the first Surrealist Manifesto (Manifeste du surréalisme) of 1924, in which he defined surrealism as “pure psychic automatism”.

  La beauté sera CONVULSIVE ou ne sera pas.

  • Beauty will be CONVULSIVE or not at all.
  • Nadja (1928), final sentence

Le Surréalisme et la Peinture (Surrealism and Painting; 1926)

  • L’amour est toujours devant vous. Aimez.
    • Love is always before you. Love it.
  • L’œil existe à l’état sauvage.
    • Eyes exist in the savage state.
Carson McCullers
photographed by Carl van Vechten, 1959

And today is the birthday of Carson McCullers (Columbus, Georgia; February 19, 1917 – September 29, 1967 Nyack, New York); novelist, short story writer, playwright, essayist, and poet.  Her first novel, The Heart Is a Lonely Hunter, explores the spiritual isolation of misfits and outcasts in a small town of the U.S. South.  Her other novels have similar themes and most are set in the deep South.

McCullers’ oeuvre is often described as Southern Gothic and indicative of her southern roots.  However, McCullers penned all of her work after leaving the South, and critics also describe her writing and eccentric characters as universal in scope.  Her stories have been adapted to stage and film.  A stagework of her novel The Member of the Wedding (1946), which captures a young girl’s feelings at her brother’s wedding, made a successful Broadway run in 1950–51.

“The most outlandish people can be the stimulus for love. A man may be a doddering great-grandfather and still love only a strange girl he saw in the streets of Cheehaw one afternoon two decades past. The preacher may love a fallen woman. The beloved may be treacherous, greasy-headed, and given to evil habits. Yes, and the lover may see this as clearly as anyone else – but that does not affect the evolution of his love one whit. [.] It is for this reason that most of us would rather love than be loved.”

thanks for stoppin’ by y’all

mac tag






One response to “The Lovers’ Chronicle 19 February – rememberin’ you, reprise no. 1 – art by Gabriele Münter – birth of André Breton & Carson McCullers”

  1. […] came from Greek poet Nicolas Calas, who recalled that he and Tanguy accompanied Surrealist leader André Breton to the Surindépendants exhibit and were impressed enough by Sage’s paintings to seek her out.  […]


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